Friday 14 June 2013

Independent Driving on the driving test.

How will I be tested on 'independent driving' on the driving test?

The candidate will be asked to pull over and the examiner will ask them to drive independently by one, or possibly a combination, of the following methods. The candidate won't be able to influence which method is chosen – that's up to the examiner.
1. Via road signs and markings – for example, the examiner will ask, 'For the next ten minutes please follow the road signs to the town centre.'
2. Via a series of three, or very occasionally four verbal directions given by the examiner (similar to how you might get directions from a passer-by) – for example, 'drive along then take the first left, straight ahead at the roundabout then second right'.
When using verbal directions, the examiner will also show them a diagram before setting off.

If the candiate forgets the directions they are allowed to ask the examiner to confirm them as they drive along. If road signs are obscured, say by an overhanging tree or a parked vehicle, the examiner will intervene and say, 'the sign's obscured here but you're meant to take the next left'.

The independent driving section isn't meant to test candidates navigating skills – if they take a wrong turn or get lost it won't count against them. It's more to do with letting them show their ability to drive safely without constant direction from their instructor or examiner. Though of course if they get flustered and make a driving fault during this section, such as excessive hesitation at a junction then this will be marked as a fault.

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