Performance driving tips
High performance isn't only required from racing drivers. Are you ready for the road?
1. Don't become an aggressive driver.
Yelling, honking the horn, slamming on the brakes in front of a tailgater, passing on the road shoulder, speeding, improper gestures... All of these can quickly create a dangerous situation. Be aware of the real danger, and keep your temper in check. Don't drive when angry, over-tired or upset. Avoid conflict, even if you are right. Allow extra time and avoid congestion whenever possible.
2. In addition to using the mirrors, look over your shoulder.
If a driver is acting aggressively toward you, do not retaliate or engage him or her. Get out of the way. Don't make eye contact. Keep your doors locked and your windows up. Don't underestimate the potential of the other driver for aggression.
3. Stay alert
Be rested, calm and not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Avoid distracting activities like eating or engaging in conversations with passengers.
4. Avoid highway hypnosis.
Highway hypnosis – extreme drowsiness caused by a combination of repetitive visual stimuli and fatigue – is one of the greatest driving hazards. When driving long distances, make frequent stops, during which you might take short naps or exercise. Exercise your eyes by reading road signs or shifting the focus of your eyes to different parts of the roadway. Make sure you are properly rested. If you notice yourself nodding and losing concentration - STOP! Get the rest you need, and then continue.
5. Drive defensively.
Use your imagination. Always be ready to react to the other drivers, in case they don't do what they should – or what you think they should. If you cannot avoid a crash, try to choose the least dangerous option. For example, you often have more chance of surviving running off the road than hitting another vehicle head-on.
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